Friday, May 18, 2007

How Y'all doing?

Well, since Shannon seems to have gone an a literary hiatus, I guess it's my turn.....
Quick medical update goes like this: I'm 3 weeks into a 5 week run of chemo-therapy, should be my last. Nausea is a little worse this time around, good drugs but there are times when I just can't hold it down. Enough said. I will be getting a PET scan in a month or so, if we all hold our breath together we'll have good news. The nightime tube feeding went by the wayside last week, a bit earlier than expected. While pushing Molly up to The Dapple (local market) in her stroller, the damn thing just plain fell out....bloop....ten inches of tubing. I went to the surgeon's office the next morning and was met with stares of incredulity. They wanted to put it back in but I lobbied for freedom and they said o.k. Now it's up to me to get 2000 calories a day into my newly remodeled stomach. So far so good, I've been gaining ~1Lb. per week since the surgery and funny enough, I'm at 175 which is a good target weight to stay at. (For the first time in about 10 years.)

There is a bit of normalcy re-entering our lives. I did my first homeownerish project in a long time...put in a new garbage disposal downstairs and did a little weeding in the yard.

The boys are ready and waiting for summer vacation, they'll probably take swim lessons again, Ian has a week long sleep over YMCA camp in late July, he's excited as can be. I've been taking the boys to school most mornings, picking them up sometimes. Our cousin Kristine, her husband Dave and their 2-yr. old Logan moved in to the downstairs apt. and Kristine is taking excellent care of Molly 3 days/week. Molly and Logan have a great chemistry with the occasional toy induced swipe to the face. Molly is talking up a storm, it's especially cute when accompanied by a wagging finger. Such as "I no ready for night-night!!"

Shannon, ah, Shannon. Some of you got to know her much better over the last few months. I'm elated, wish the circumstances could have been different. So you see what I see in her. She's been my rock, my nurse, my day-to-day reality check and most importantly, my best friend. When this is all over, I owe her a big, long, relaxing vacation to someplace warm with very cold Margaritas.

Sorry for the five week bald spot in the blog. We'll try to maintain it a little better. Thank you to everybody for the cards, e-mails, messages and visits, they have been an integral part of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

All my love, Dave


Anonymous said...

Very nice to hear things are going well. I hated that feeding tube, but never thought about having it "accidently" fall out. I'm glad the chemo is almost will do well with this, Dave. The worst is behind you. Now its just adventures in eating. It takes a while, but things do get back to normal. All the best to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Dave old buddy
Sooo happy to see the blog action from you. I think we all see what a Bella woman friend you have in your life and thanks for her and her writings. On this rainy day you are the sunshine. Hope to see you soon. Terry

r said...

Whahoo! He speaks.

I've been checking in so often, that I was shocked to see a new entry. Kinda like when you call someone expecting his or her machine, and they pick up.

I'm so glad things are going in a good direction for you. My students are still asking about you most days, and now I'll have something to tell them.

Hope to talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

Best thing I've read all day, and brought a big ol grin to my face! Glad to see you writing a bit (although am genuinely missing the adventures of Shannon McGeoy... I think I'm not the only one who thinks she has a new career ahead of her!!)

Funny how those tubes have a way of knowing you'll be just fine without them... how far did you chuck it when it fell out?! :)

as for holding breath, I've got all my fingers and toes crossed, and am praying to every god there is - I'm fully expecting a picture perfect PET!

You all have been through so much, and have done it all with strength, grace and humor... if you have to go through this, you can't ask for better than that! I'm glad the chemo's almost over - may you never need it again!

all my love - j

Unknown said...

Oh it is so good to hear you are doing so well. We just had Darran's good friend here for 4 days that has breast cancer. She's at about the same stage you are at. Still has ports in her and still doing chemo once a month. I feel bad I fell off the earth after seeing you in April. Just know, you are in my thoughts everyday... even if I forget to send a card or call. Have a big milkshake for me! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Dave, what a pleasant surprise to find you hit the blog!! We check in regularly to see how things are. Brought a big smile to both of us when we saw your entry....not to mention getting choked up on your writing of Shannon, we know how important it is to 'team' together during this "stuff." You can know that we keep all of you in our prayers.
Keep up the fight.
Jeff & Cryss. and Jake too

Anonymous said...

Dave and Shannon -

I have been reading your blog, but I have not done a post. I guess the blogoshere is not a place I am comfortable participating in. It's kind of weird, I enjoy reading blogs (mainly pop culture and sports) yet, can not bring myself to being a participant - just a browser.

Anyway, It's great to see a new post. You are always in my thoughts and prayers and your collective courage is inspiring.

Since I know what's up with you, I thought I would share a brief summary of what is going on with our family.

Our youngest family member, Zachary, just turned 3 and we had a little party at your home. As you can surely agree, it is funny to watch a bunch of 3-years interacting. They all sort-of did their own thing, everyone playing but not really together. I actually think Zachary (who is a very sensitive little boy) was a little overwhelmed by all the people there to see him and play with HIS stuff. He got over it once we opened gifts though. He really threw himself into that activity! He is into music of all kinds, ranging from Black Eyed Peas (maybe not the best parenting!) to traditional kid songs to a DVD called Animusic which is shows these CGI created fantasy instruments playing music. It is pretty captivating. He is going through his terrible twos now, but they are mild compared to his big brother.

Speaking of his big brother, Scott is still mellowing in his old age - he is 5 1/2 now. Compared Zachary, Scott is so much more wound-up. This may be hard to put into words, but Scott is fiercely independent, yet he always needs to be around other people. He has never been the type to just play by himself - again, as opposed to Zachary who can play for hours with his instruments and trains - so Scott is a hand full. Fortunately, he is a good natured kid who makes friends easily, so we have lots of play dates for him. He is into sports and just got done with his t-ball league. He is a big A's fan - Sorry about that M's fans!, but he'll watch sports in person or on TV.

Both Scott and Zachary get along really well and enjoy playing with each other. I could not be happier seeing the way they stick up for each other.

Tracey has the hardest job in the family by far since she takes care of both of the kids and takes them to pre-school, gymnastics, music and whatever other classes they have. She stays busy keeping them busy. We have a bunch of kids in our neighborhood about the same ages as Scott and Zachary and she has become good friends with their Moms and Dads.

I am still working at Visa and doing some strategy and project-related work for the guy who runs our Client Services group. It is interesting work and I don’t travel a much as I did in prior jobs and that is a good thing. Other than that I spend most of my free time with the boys or playing Ice Hockey.

Well, that's about it. Nothing extraordinary here in San Mateo.

Keep getting well, Dave.

Doug L

Anonymous said...

YEA Dave! Thank you for sharing your progress! We are so happy to hear how life is progressing so well. What an adventure! I can't help but picture the walk up the hill to the market! I guess enough was enough! Thank god you and Shannon are strong people and have a great sence of houmor too because sometimes we just need it!
You are in our thoughts and prayers and we look forward to visiting you again once school is out. Mackenzie and Jared talk about their little friends a lot! That is great to hear Molly is chatting up a storm. Funny how you spend the first two years trying to get them to speak and then the next five (so far) trying to get them to stop :O)
Keep camping in mind! We are all over it!
:O) With all our love,
Scott Doris Mackenzie and Jared

Anonymous said...

Hey, Dave. I was in Guam this past week and so happy to log on and see an up-date. It was good talking to you recently too. YOu are doin so well and so happy to have our prayers answered. Are you guys using the stuff I sent by chance? Esp the Biopatch? I am guessing yes if your feeding tube just fell out and you have no infection! Amazing in itself.

Take care and hugs to all.

- Anne