Monday, April 9, 2007

Better Every Day

Things are really starting to feel like they are getting back to normal. Dave's energy is getting better each day. He still needs to take a couple of good naps (or just some down time) every day, but overall he's staying up longer and his naps are getting shorter. He's been eating really well too. His portions are small (as they will always be due to the new architecture of his esophagus/stomach), but he's eating frequently and eating all the same stuff I eat. His weight has been stable since he's been home from the hospital (he's lost close to 40 pounds since his diagnosis in November), and now his challenge will be to start eating some of those 1,000 calories he's getting from the tube feeding each night so we can start to phase that out (probably over the next month or so).

Although he still looks very thin (his cheekbones have become quite prominent), he is starting to lose that certain look that is really hard for me to describe. It's almost like his face looked partially paralyzed and he was very robotic and just kind of odd looking when he first got home from the hospital. I'm glad his sense of humor has returned because he didn't even get offended when I'd sing "Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto". Yes, it's true, I have a juvenile sense of humor (that's why I get along so well with the 5 and 6 year old set).

Dave drove his car for the first time in a couple months. That felt like a milestone. He's been off the pain meds for quite a while now, so there was no medical reason he couldn't drive, but he felt like his reaction time was slow and his movements were stiff. This morning, however, he offered to drive Miles to school and I felt totally comfortable taking him up on it. I don't think he'll be taking any solo roadtrips in the near future, but it's nice to know he can do some driving if he wants/needs to.

Now that things are getting better, we have the dreaded appointment with the oncologist on Thursday. I have a feeling Dave will be starting chemo within the week. We're both hoping he can take the chemo orally or go in for infusions rather than have the 24/7 pump he had last time (it makes showering and just about everything else a pain in the butt), but we'll have to wait and see. Wish us luck.


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to get down for May long weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you.

Tristan said...

Good luck, please.

Thank you.

Ps. I hope I can come up sometime...!

Anonymous said...

Very cool, Dave that is awesome you took a you that feeling of independence I would imagine. Keep moving forward, can't wait to hear from you on the blog. Shannon you have done a fab job of keeping us all up to date. We will be saying our prayers for ya about the chemo (Ugh) and thinking positive.
You are both on our minds often,
Jeff and Cryss.

Anonymous said...

Shannon & Dave:
First...forty pounds is exactly what I dropped. Went from 174 to 134. Due to a not so nice problem called "dumping syndrome" I have only gained about ten pounds back. But...other than having to cease drinking any fluids for an hour after eating, everything else seems pretty normal now (I will hit five years this month). Stomachs, no matter how much they take out, use for an esophagus, etc. tend to stretch with use and except for the drinking thing you wouldn't know I had the surgery now. I can eat a normal meal without discomfort. You will get there too. Dumping syndrome is relatively scarce so you have less than a 20% chance of getting it and even then it is manageable.
So, hang in when you need to, eat when you can and all will be well. You can do it. All the best.

r said...

Thanks for still keeping all of us in the loop. I know there's still crummy stuff (chemo) out there, but day by day, that's how you'll get through.

Shannon, you are an inspiration. David, we are getting impatient to see your words on this blog as well!

Anonymous said...

We think about you guys all the time and are thrilled to read that Dave is improving. We'll be extra careful on the neighborhood streets, though!

We'd love to stop by and hang out, bring food, share wine, whatever. Please let us know when you're ready for it. We'd also be happy to take the kids to play soccer or something to give you some adult time.

Good luck with the chemo. We've got our fingers crossed.

Kelly, Mike, Lucas and Rory

udee said...

Shannon, you are a hillarious writer. Very good job. You bring laughter and tears all in one blog. Thats good writing = ) So glad things are getting better.....didn't know the chemo was going to have to be repeated. That sucks....but I guess its better you git it & git it good so it'll stay gone = )Still tryin to figure out how i can work out getting up there. I love you all !!!! and shannon, you should post some pix of your silicone free lip crack me up. = )

Unknown said...

Hey, Shannon. Hey, Dave.

Okay, I just caught up on a month of entries. What does it say about me that I'll update (my) David about Dave's progress when he's back from work, but I'm more anxious to tell him about the misadventures of the Penis-Sock Boys. I'm so shallow.

This is such an amazing blog, Shannon. Dave, start talkin. Love you both.

Unknown said...

This is Larry, by the way. Forgot my display name isn't that revealing.