Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Coming home soon, I think...

As I suspected, Dave's release date has been pushed back again. It sounds like he should be released by Friday. This time, I have a feeling he really will be released, although the thought has occurred to me that maybe they just like him and don't want to let him go. Actually, there are a couple nurses that are driving him batty. He has taken to actively mocking them as soon as they turn their backs. I'm hoping he gets released before they catch him making fun of them or I shiver to think what they might do to him.

To my trained and familiar eye, Dave has seemed more himself (he's getting his "Dave-ness" back) in the last two days than anytime since his surgery. He's still easily fatigued and groggy at times, but he's smiling and showing more emotion than he had been for weeks.

He had a CT scan yesterday to check the fluid they are draining (the dreaded back drain). The doctors report that everything looks good and there was no sign of infection in the fluid. When he comes home, he'll still be on IV antibiotics for two weeks to make sure the staph infection is completely cleared up. He's off the IV feeding and back on tube feeding (another step in the right direction), and he's back on the full liquid/soft food diet. He actually got to eat scrambled eggs this morning (the first "solid" food in about 3 weeks).

It sounds like the oncologist is going to give him a few more weeks of recovery before starting the next round of chemo the day after Easter or thereabouts.

All in all it feels like we're heading in the right direction.

Now I just can't help closing with one of the lighter moments from my day. For tonight's bedtime story Ian read The Ugly Duckling to Miles and me. At the end, they were both expressing how they felt sad that the other ducks were so mean to the ugly duckling. Ian said, "If I met that duck, I'd tell him he was beautiful, not ugly." Miles, not one to mince words, said, "I'd say, 'You're ugly. Want to be my friend anyway?'" And on that note, goodnight.


Tristan said...

I thought I should say hello again. I wanted to tell you that I check the blog every day, and I suspect I am often the first one to read the updates (irresponsible up-late young person). I will pass on more good news to my parents. Get well soon, please. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hurray! More progress. When you aren't feeling well, the minutes and days can drag. But Friday is so close! And when you have someone to mock all the more that time goes quickly. Thanks for the good news on the "Dave-ness". He seemed like he was pretty Davey when I spoke with him yesterday. Pooped but it was him.

Sending the most strong get well vibes that I possibly can...

- Anne

Unknown said...

We always love to hear the good news! I'm sure everyone will be happy to have Dave home. No one more than Dave himself! :-)
Keep healing! (please)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the TPN is history and he's back to eating a little (what's his favorite smoothie? I'll try to bring something by!) Also good to know the CTs are only showing fluid (as expected this soon after his surgery) - you both should be reassured... big surgery, big recovery, not quite what you were expecting but not off the radar and he's heading in the right direction. Certainly from week to week there has been significant improvement! He'll gain his strength/stamina back more quickly at home (with those boys around he'll have to!), and how could the "Dave-ness" factor not do anything but blossom around his family! Take care you both, love jorm