Sunday, February 25, 2007

Now that it's safely behind me, I can honestly say that Friday night was one of the toughest and most sleepless nights I've ever had (and having three kids, I've certainly had plenty of sleepless nights). I didn't post anything yesterday because I thought it would be way too whiny and negative.

I had high hopes of giving Dave his meds at midnight and then sleeping for a few hours. Not a chance. The pump attached to his feeding tube stopped working (I could tell right away because it's so loud when it's running). The monitor was frozen and the keypad wouldn't work. I had to shut it down completely and reprogram it with the dose and the rate and start it again - 5 times over the next 4 hours. Turns out it was a problem with the battery not being charged fully which seems to have resolved itself now.

I know I fell asleep at least once because I woke up to the sound of Dave vomiting nasty bile on the bed and carpet (sorry if this is too descriptive for some of you, and sorry Dave if this is TMI). I spent the next 30 minutes cleaning and scrubbing. Then it was time for more meds and on and on until Molly came into our bedroom at 7 am insisting that I get up (and, obviously, I can't just pretend I'm in a deep sleep knowing Dave will get up with her which is what I used to do). It reminded me a lot of being home from the hospital with a new baby those first few weeks - except back then I had Dave to wake up with me and help with the nighttime burping and diaper changing. These nighttime tasks feel very lonely as Dave sleeps through some amount of it (for which I'm thankful) and is very groggy. I will say that when he's awake, he never fails to thank me for taking care of him.

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm bitching because that's really not how I feel. Taking care of Dave doesn't feel like a burden at all - it just feels like what needs to be done to get him to the next phase of his recovery. I really can't say enough times how brave he's been through all of this. He hardly ever complains about what he's going through, and I see firsthand every single day how much it sucks. I can't think of any better way to describe it than "it sucks". In fact, I don't think I've ever even said that and it feels rather cathartic just to say it. Yes, it sucks that Dave has cancer. It sucks big.

Ok, enough of my free therapy. Last night was much better than Friday night. I've gotten more competent with the tubes and hoses and drains and crushing pills for the j-tube, and so on.

We left the house for Dave's first outing today. It was to a big recliner store to see if he'd be more comfortable sleeping in a recliner. No dice. Then, we went to Sleep Country to check out adjustable beds, which seem like the better option. We had dropped Dave's sister Bessie off at Ikea with all the kids and when we went back there to pick them up, I parked in a disabled parking spot (there was no way Dave could walk the 9 miles from the regular Ikea parking to the store entrance). I figured if ever there was a time I felt justified parking in a disabled spot (I would never normally do it), this was it. Apparently, the officer who cited us didn't agree. Yes, it was an actual ticket, not just an Ikea citation. I talked to the friendly officer and explained the situation, but was told I should explain it to the judge in traffic court. I had visions of my foot, a nicely placed volley, and him rolling on the ground, but then I had visions of how useless I'd be to Dave and the kids in jail. Oh well, guess I'll tell it to the judge. And, I guess I'll ask Dave's doctor if we can get a disabled permit for the next month or so.

I'm also going to see if we can get some home nursing support for the next few weeks because as great as my job has been about letting me take time off (thank you, Jennifer), I am starting to feel like I need to get back to work at some point in the near future.

That's about it for tonight. Oh, except for all of you locals who keep asking how you can help out, here it is: you can take the kids out of the house for a while (one, two, or three at a time). It's really hard for Dave to sleep when the kids are running crazy in the house, and I can't leave to take them anywhere, so they end up watching way more TV than I would usually allow. Anyway, that's it - call, take the kids someplace cool for the afternoon, and you'll be our hero!


r said...

Shannon, you don't sound whiny, you sound honest. Even though David's the one whose body has/had the cancer, you are both physically and emotionally affected by it. And you're not sick, so you're supposed to pretty much do everything.

I so wish I was there to take the kids to the zoo or the park or the playground. I'm sorry I can't help out.

You both know every day is going to get better...although you are really going to be able to use the sympathy card when you go to the judge. Take pictures of David with you when you go.

You will both get through this.

Love to you.

Sue Seely-Herfurth said...

Shannon, being a caretaker is one of the most challenging positions you can sign up for. Your love for Dave is crystal clear....and anyone reading this blog does not see you as "bitching"...just Releasing.

And it is oh so healing to able to say that it all just Sucks! And say it often if it feels good. Continue to write and use this as your own personal therapy have many supportive ears, and the release is vital. Your humor is essential (and entertaining. Drop kicking the cop was a nice visual!)

And remember that it's ok for the Caretaker to acknowlege the difficulties of the job (as moms we do all the time, all the while grateful for our beautiful babies). Dave, your gratitude and positive attitude is so essential to your own healing. This is a process and a journey, and you two make an amazing team...

Unknown said...

I totally feel for you Shan. You've got such a hard job, taking care of Dave, kids, house etc... You are a true champion and don't feel like you are whinning, it's just venting. No one could deal with all you have had to deal with without venting a little. It's healthy and normal. It makes me sad I can't be there to take you kids for the afternoon. If we come out in April for Spring break, we'll take them... although by then you probably won't need it as much. Hang in there! Keep up the wine and Ben & Jerry's. It will help! I hope the sun is shinning for you both!

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

As Sue said, "This is a process and a journey..." Probably harder and more painful than any you have been through to date, and may ever go through, but... it is the pain and the adversity that create in us lasting and meaningful change. We can't control the world around us, and we can't control our circumstances but we can control how we choose to respond to those things. And as long as you guys respond out of Love, as you are, you cannot go wrong.

God has begun a life-changing work in both of you and as hard as it might sound, you have to embrace what you are going through and have faith that the pain and suffering are temporary and part of something much bigger.

I love you guys both Very much and pray for you every day. I Pray for the physical healing yes, but so much more for the emotional and spiritual healing that are so infinitely more important.

You have a a loving Father in Heaven who is going through this with you every step of the way, lean on him.


Anonymous said...

Suck isn't even close to the right word, it's down right shitty (and I know whereof I speak)- and yes, by all means it's OK (and even healthy) to say it every now and then - it's the honest truth... cancer can take you to places most people never knew existed - sometimes all you can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other and survive each day - a little humor, a few tears, and a couple really good shouts every now and then will go far in keeping you sane. This isn't fair, it never is, but this is more unfair than most - if this doesn't suck I don't know what does...

Sign me up for a sleepover for the boys as soon as I get back home (I'll even offer to take Molly if you let me have her for the night - is she ready?) you both need some sleep... Did the boys make it to the play over the weekend? A little distraction is a good thing...

there are not words to say what I'm feeling for you right now - one of Claire's books says "today was not a good day, tomorrow will be better" never have I hoped more it would be so...

love, jorm